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Comicphiles: Fighter Pilot Zombie Miracles

Comicphiles: Fighter Pilot Zombie Miracles


Lately, I’ve been trying out comics that I wouldn’t normally pick up because I want to claw my way out of what I like to call my ‘comic slump’. It’s easy to just stick to the same genres over and over again, particularly when you have a limited budget and you’re already following a series.

This week, I’m checking out Miracle Man, Battleworld Marvel Zombies and Cling.

Miracle Man

miracle manWith striking colours of gold, bronze, red and blue, Miracle Man stands out from the shelves of comics for all the right reasons. Written by Neil Gaiman, with utterly spectacular and truly unique art, this comic is on another level when it comes to creativity and originality. I’ve never quite read anything like it. The story is of the Golden Age of our world after a supernatural being called Kid Miracleman destroys London, killing thousands, and by doing so ushers in a new era free of war, famine and poverty.

Miracle Man follows a father on a pilgrimmage of a towering pyramid that acts as a kind of shrine to the Miracle Men, known as Olympus. He joins others on a journey to the top of a very long staircase, seeking answers and help for his daughter. Although very confusing at times, and with its fair share of creepy moments, Miracle Man may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there’s no denying that it is a beautifully crafted story that examines the notions of faith, powerlessness and humanity.

Will I Continue Reading? Yes, even if it’s just to flick through it now and again to remind myself what real art is.


clingMore of a short story, or a one-shot comic, than an ongoing narrative, Cling is the creepy story of a girl called Melanie who is being cyber stalked by a guy called Drew. It’s one of the only comics I’ve seen that has such closely drawn detailed accounts of being on social media, with phones and laptops taking up space on almost every page. In that way, this was interesting, and it effectively shows the fear and confusion felt by someone who is dealing with an obsessive person online.

The art itself is very emotive, although it could be of higher quality, and although the comic features only two prominent characters, the stalker and the victim, this is a good thing, as it’s easy to place ourselves in the same situation as Melanie so that the fear feels more real. Many of us have dealt with creepers online, so this is an easy comic to relate to.

Will I Continue Reading? If they came out with a second issue then I’d probably try it if someone gave it to me, but wouldn’t go out and buy it myself.

Battleworld Marvel Zombies

marvel zombies 1Starring a character who I can now safely say is one of my favourites of all time, Elsa Bloodstone, this comic is a total surprise for me. The cover, underwhelming as it is, turned me off initially but my love for zombies prompted me to pick it up regardless. I was blown away by the wit of the protagonist, Elsa, as she fights to hold off ‘rotters’ from the Shield, a huge wall that protects the kingdom of Doom from the hordes of the undead.

Female comic characters that are both strong and realistic, and fully clothed, are quite hard to come by, and Elsa is the ideal of what you’d want an ass-kicking female character to be. With long red hair tied back in a sensible pony tail, an ancestral knife and a no-bullshit attitude, Elsa reminds me of a female Wolverine, but with a more pleasant back story (although hers isn’t a walk in the park either!)

With great art and a diverse range of characters and a few great zombie cameos from some of the universe’s most well known characters, I love this comic. I wish I’d picked it up sooner and, as Secret Wars is nearly over anyway, I’ll be making sure to buy the rest of the issues before everyone else realises how good it is.

Will I Continue Reading? Yes! A million times yes!

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