Captain America 3 To Feature Robert Downey Jnr., Will Feature Elements Of Civil War
After the back-pedalling that has occurred since Downey confirmed Iron Man 4 on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, its once again come under speculation what role he would play in the Marvel movie-verse post-Avengers: Age of Ultron. According to Variety, there won’t be an Iron Man 4 because Marvel have a very different plan in mind.
Robert Downey Jnr. is apparently in final negotiations to have a starring role in the latest Captain America film, Captain America 3. His presence has been elevated from a smaller role to a starring one, with the plan being to adapt Marvel’s Civil War storyline for the final phase of films. The film is slated to begin filming Spring for a May 6th, 2016 release date.
This is very significant for the Marvel cinematic universe as a core part of Civil War’s narrative is Steve Rogers, Captain America’s alter ego, going against Tony Stark on the Superhero Registration Act. Tony supports the act, which calls for all people with superhuman abilities to reveal themselves to the US government, while Rogers is against it, believing it to be a breach of civil liberty. The Mark Millar written epic was originally printed back in 2007, and according to the teaser image below is returning next year, so it looks like Marvel are going for a synchronicity between the movies and the comics.
As always, keep an eye on The Arcade for more developments as they happen!