Home Buzz Captain America 3 To Wrap Up Steve Rogers' Storyline

Captain America 3 To Wrap Up Steve Rogers' Storyline


ceWe’re all waiting for more news on the happenings of the Marvel movie-verse as now that Guardians of the Galaxy is done, we have the next Avengers film and then phase 3, where Thor and Captain America will join Iron Man with a film trilogy. Details of these third solo films have been quit light on their feet, with all attention being drawn towards Age of Ultron. And rightly so, it’s going to be huge. But Captain America 3 is perhaps more intriguing due to how drastically Captain America 2 affected the world of the Avengers, and how much Steve’s storyline directly overlaps with other important characters such as Sam Wilson, Nick Fury and Black Widow. It also happens to be the last solo film film Chris Evans is on contract for, and both he and Robert Downey Jr. have expressed a desire to move away from these characters once they are done. The Russo brothers, Joe and Anthony, are currently on a promo tour for The Winter Soldier blu-ray release, and they’ve said some things about the next Cap film that might tell us where the character is going.
(Whether this is the end) is a hard question to answer because it gets to the specific of where the narratives are going. I will say this: yes, for satisfying storytelling, you want a beginning, middle and end. That’s the natural arc that we all thrive off of in narrative.” Anthony said in an interview with MTV. “The great thing about the Marvel universe, just like the publishing, it’s a very vast, inter-connected universe, where characters will have their rise and fall, so to speak, and hand off to other characters. As the cinematic universe moves forward, you may start to see the cinematic universe adopt that same pattern, as the publishing has, where there’s closure with some characters and new beginnings with other characters. How those hand-offs are made is always part of the fun.
It sounds like Steve will follow the Iron Man path of walking away from his heroic duties at the end of the third film. Unlike Tony Stark, however, Rogers has two characters he can give the mantle to; Bucky, the Winter Soldier, and Sam Wilson, the Falcon. The former is far more likely in terms of immediate characters as he’s already a super-soldier and has a greater link to Rogers’ past, and although he was still a bad guy at the end of Cap 2, the Russos confirm he’ll be a part of Cap 3Is he redeemable? Is he the worst assassin we’ve ever seen or is he the longest suffering POW? Where does he live now? Does he ever regain his memories?… If he doesn’t regain his memories, can you call him Bucky Barnes or is he somebody new? So it’s a really fascinating character to play with.
The Marvel movie-verse is one that continues to surprise, so we’ll see how it turns out. Either way, 2016, much like 2015, looks like a good year to be a comic book movie fan!
