Namco Bandai Games have announced, they plan to release a HD remaster of Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World as part of the tenth celebration of Symphonia’s original release.
Being released on the Playstation 3, this remaster will include new features to the games such as new Artes, new costumes modelled after Tales of the Abyss, new music as well as new artwork.
Called Tales of Symphonia: Unisont Pack in Japan will feature special edition art cards with PS3 themes for the first editions of the release as well as the Lalabit Market Edition (9980 Yen) which will include chibi figures of the main characters, a novel and a fancy box and the The Famitsu DX Pack (7980 Yen) which will include four special art posters. No detail have been released if these collectors editions will be released outside of Japan but cross your fingers.
Tales of Symphonia: Unisont Pack will be released on Playstation 3 on October 10th 2013 in Japan, with North American and European released announced for sometime in early 2014 as Tales of Symphonia Chronicles. No exact pricing or dates are available at the time of writing. But if you have been following along with our history lesson on the Tales series then I know you are as excited about this news as we are! Tales of Symphonia is one of the most superb gaming experiences you can have and it’s great that a whole new generation will be able to experience it in this HD remastered edition.