Try saying that 10 times fast! Yes, there is a sequel in the works, a script submitted and plans afoot and aplenty for the next movie in the franchise! Now it would seem that the film will be on target for it’s May 23 2014 release after a director has been confirmed!
Matt Reeves, director of Cloverfield (the movie that made us car sick!) has been confirmed to director the Ape sequel having dropped out of the Twilight Zone remake. Rumours have been circulating for weeks about who would take the position with names like Del Toro, Nichols and Blakeson all floated about the job of tackling the anticipated sequel falls to Reeves. The rumour mill is still busy churning and stories are spinning that there may already be some script problems… well you know the old saying… never work with kids or animals or hyper intelligent-human hating apes!
Editor-in-Chief, part-time super villain and hoarder of cats. If you can’t find me writing, I’m probably in the kitchen!