Home Games Arcade of Legends – It's all so pretty!
Arcade of Legends – It's all so pretty!

Arcade of Legends – It's all so pretty!


About two weeks ago I bid a fond farewell to the laptop that has kept me on-line and in the know for nearly two years, it was a sad day, we’d been through it all, the accidental dismantling of it, the breaking of the ‘N’ key, the spilling of Ribena and the weird dust bunny that had somehow managed to find it’s way to the back of the screen. I had written hunndreds of articles, sent thousands of e-mails, wasted countless hours on Facebook but more importantly it had been my best source for online gaming and in particular League of Legends.

Now for me to run the game on my toaster of a laptop, I need all graphics set to their lowest possible setting, I had no music and I’d never dare have an internet browser or skype open at the same time for fear of the whole contraption erupting into a ball of fire but with the loss of my old laptop at the edge of memory, bumped out of my mind by a brand new shiny piece of hardware, I took to downloading one of my favourite (and most hated) games at the moment.

Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine just how pretty the whole thing looked… Lux wasn’t just a yellow blurred out stick figure, I actually had FPS, before an average game ran about 12 FPS now I had seven times… SEVEN! The level of detail in characters and their abilities had me completely loving the game all over again… it is all so very very pretty!

Now continuing on the theme of shallowness, let me introduce you to the latest champion to dare step foot onto the fields of Summoner’s Rift, Diana, Scorn of the Moon! (Yes I’m aware I’ve missed out on two champions, you can blame ArcadeCon for that one… to cut it short… Jayce is an OP sucker for gamers too lazy to learn a more skilled champion and Zyra is the lovechild of Morganna and HeimerDinger and she is amazing!).

Diana, Scorn of the Moon:

Moonsilver Blade (Passive): Diana has increased Attack Speed. Every third strike cleaves nearby enemies for additional magic damage.

Crescent Strike:
 Diana swings her blade to unleash a bolt of lunar energy, afflicting enemies with Moonlight and dealing damage in an arc before exploding.

Pale Cascade:
 Diana creates three orbiting spheres that detonate on contact with enemies to deal damage in an area. She also gains a temporary shield that absorbs damage. This shield is refreshed if all three spheres detonate.

 Diana draws in and slows all nearby enemies.

Lunar Rush (Ultimate):
 Diana teleports to an enemy and deals magic damage. Lunar Rush has no cooldown when used to teleport to a target afflicted with Moonlight.

So, what’s the big deal? 

I tried not to buy into the hype of this champion, generally I’ll get excited about a new rival champion (Sejuani…. *cough*) but I saw the artwork and read others posting about her being an AP champion (I’ll always be a magic user!!!) so my interest was peaked enough to merit saving the IP to buy her… I regret nothing! Ignoring Phreaks build suggestions (mostly!) I have fallen for Diana, hook line and sinker. Everything from her durability and killing power to the fantastic one liners she pulls all of which are matched by a fantastic lore and backstory. Riot Games… you’ve excelled yourself. Diana could be easily compared to a cross between Fiora and Akali, taking the best elements from these champions and muddling them together to create a champion who can quickly and viciously turn the tide of a team fight.

What I love about the League this week:

Diana / Zyra / Jungling 

What I hate about the League this week:

Calling dibs on lanes / Gragas / Guardian Angel Armour 
