Home Tag "Reviews"

Review: Life Is Strange, Ep. 1 – Chrysalis

  For those of you who have been living under a rock when it comes to emotional, story driven games, you may not have heard of Telltale Games, the company that seemingly went from obscurity to stardom after releasing their critically acclaimed episodic game series, The Walking Dead. The company has since seen much success […]

Review: Far Cry 4 Co-op

First off let me admit I have never played 1 or 2 and only played an hour of 3 but I have always liked what I saw of the games and was always trying to get through my other games to get around to playing it. I am coming at Far Cry 4 without any real expectations […]

Rewind Review: Vera Drake

The project of a life time, writer-director Mike Leigh’s Mr Turner opened to much acclaim. The project of a life-time, the reflecting on past works seems worthwhile. Secrets and Lies (1996) would be the obvious choice: much-loved work also featuring Timothy Spall (the titular J.M.W). However, in this Rewind here I want to focus on […]

Review: Madden NFL 15

The Irish response to American Football is 99% of the time “Rugby for babies” which up until now what I’ve been led to believe – even after reviewing last year’s Madden 25. Each game in every Madden always had a fifty percent divide between great tactical fun and extreme boredom matched with spongy physics. That […]