Home Tag "panels"

Comic-Con@Home Begins Today!

Although there is no physical San Diego Comic-Con this year, the first time in its 50 year history, there will be a full programme of panels thanks to its Comic-Con@Home initiative. With no lines and access to all, there will be loads of content to scratch that itch for comic, movie, TV, anime, pop and […]

Cosplay Closet: Being A Cosplay Guest

This week’s Cosplay Closet is just that little bit different from normal as I thought I’d write about something I’ve recently had some practice in! It’s something I always wondered about, it’s something I always wanted to know more about and couldn’t really find too much about online. Being a cosplay guest at a convention […]

ArcadeCon 2015 Timetable

Timetable is right here folks! In all of its glory! Click here to check it out! Or why not download and save it to your mobile device, click here! Declan DoodyEditor-in-Chief, part-time super villain and hoarder of cats. If you can’t find me writing, I’m probably in the kitchen! www.the-arcade.ie