Home Tag "Homestuck"

‘Oppa Toby Style’- Toby “Radiation” Fox- Track of the Day

Oppa Toby Style is the second track of the [S] Collide album, which accompanied the penultimate flash animation in the popular Homestuck. Toby Fox, of Undertale fame, is a longtime musical contributor to Andrew Hussie’s webcomic. Consequently, a deep familiarity is visible in the track, reusing chords from several previous pieces. Probably the best thing about this song is its cringe-inducing […]

Inspiration in Art: Just Keep Drawing

As artists, we gain inspiration from a variety of different sources. Some can gain inspiration at home from their families and friends. Nature inspires some while sprawling cityscapes inspire others. Though, as the prevalence of fanart would imply, many artists simply get inspiration from pre-existing works. Influence in Existing Work Even artists on existing shows, […]