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Tendai Muzwidzwa

Microsoft Next Gen Xbox Anouncement

Hear ye, hear ye ….Microsoft have announced an event to reveal the next generation of XBOX. The event will take place on the 21st of May at 18:00. This event will be like Sony’s Playstation event mainly because it will be streaned live from Xbox.com and on Xbox live. As for any other announcements to be […]

That's it for Skyrim

So Bethesda has officially announced that there will be no new Skyrim expansions. The 5th instalment of The Elder Scrolls has been very successful, played world wide by thousands of people. The action RPG has been keeping people enthralled for just under a year and a half with 3 expansions under its belt and multiple mods.Skyrim is […]

That’s it for Skyrim

So Bethesda has officially announced that there will be no new Skyrim expansions. The 5th instalment of The Elder Scrolls has been very successful, played world wide by thousands of people. The action RPG has been keeping people enthralled for just under a year and a half with 3 expansions under its belt and multiple mods.Skyrim is […]

The Evil Dead – Remake

Looks like there will be a remake of the 1980’s horror movie “Evil Dead”.  Horror movie fans might be in luck as it seems to be getting some decent reviews and doesnt seem to be far behind the original in terms of rating on IMDb. This is the film that turned Bruce Campbell into an […]

Interview: Cosplay Ireland with Amy and Fiona

With the community growing every day and the Irish convention scene attracting attention on an international level, Cosplay has become a huge part of geek culture here in Ireland but what do cosplayers do when there are no Cons running? Well one group have an answer and I'm lucky enough to get a chance to sit down with the people behind it, Amy and Fiona from Cosplay Ireland. Click here to check it out now!

Cosplay – Buying vs Making

The most common thing people think of when they hear “Cosplay” is that perfect, well put together ensemble that makes you stand out when you strike the perfect pose. Although the final stage is one of the best it isn’t really the most important. The most important part of any cosplay is the actual costume, […]

Cosplay – The Origins

What is cosplay?  Cosplay is many things to many people, a hobby, part of themselves or a form of performance art. Cosplay is an amalgamation of the words ‘costume’ and ‘play’ with the actual term first penned in the mid 1980’s and is accredited to Nobuyuki Takahashi who wrote about the costumes and the people wearing them after visiting […]

"Number 2 is a chick and she's black!"

In the third part of our examination of gender, sexuality and race, Tendai Muzwidzwa talks about her experiences as a young black woman who has found some serious splits within the community and is stunned at how one group can be so accepting yet another almost verging on intolerant.

“Number 2 is a chick and she’s black!”

In the third part of our examination of gender, sexuality and race, Tendai Muzwidzwa talks about her experiences as a young black woman who has found some serious splits within the community and is stunned at how one group can be so accepting yet another almost verging on intolerant.