Home Nathan Brennan

Nathan Brennan

I am a 20 year old student from Ireland who has major interests in writing about Nintendo, Pokemon and PlayStation related topics on the side!

Nintendo E3 2021 Direct Re-Cap

Another E3 has come to an end, and with it, another Nintendo Direct. Nintendo revealed plans for the remainder of 2021, as well as some plans for releases in 2022. In this piece, we’ll be re-capping all of the reveals for Nintendo’s E3 Direct. So, let’s get straight into it! Kazuya Super Smash Brothers: Ultimate […]

Nintendo E3 Predictions!

With Nintendo’s E3 Press Conference coming up soon, and the news of a Nintendo Direct being streamed on the 15th of June at 5pm Irish time, there is no doubt that the Nintendo hype is starting to build again. News of a Switch Pro and other major rumours have been bubbling under the surface for […]

The List – How Pokémon Could Improve For Generation 9

Originally within the Pokémon series, the depth, lore and details that went into making each region feeling alive were abundantly clear. However, in more recent times, Pokémon has strayed from its path onto more linear and hollow experiences for its players. In this short piece, I’ll be going over what I’d like to see from […]

All The Latest From Inside Xbox

The coverage from Microsoft’s recent Inside Xbox event began with the iconic Xbox representative, Phil Spencer streaming from his home and addressing the crowd watching online. This was a glimpse at potentially how these sort of events will be conducted from now on due to the coronavirus. Game That Opened The Event Moving on to the […]