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Liam Kavanagh

“Teenage Time Killer” Supergroup Announced

Now here’s an interesting one for metal fans. Dave Grohl already has more strings to his bow than 100 Hawkeyes with the Foo Fighters and Them Crooked Vultures, not mention his producing work for bands as diverse as Queens Of The Stone Age and Ghost but word’s reached us that he’s part of another supergroup […]

Talking About Not Talking – The people behind “The Randomers” Part 2

Part 2: Joseph Lydon (Senan) and Sarah Jane Murphy (Dara), In the second instalment of our in-depth interview with the director and stars of new Irish feature film The Randomers – available to stream free on YouTube now – we talked to the movie’s stars about having to act without words, taking the lead in […]

Talking About Not Talking – The people behind “The Randomers”

Part 1: Graham Jones, Director Following the YouTube release of new Irish feature film “The Randomers” – available for free streaming now – we got a chance to pick the brains of the director and cast about the experience of making a movie about relationships and communication without words. First, director Graham Jones talks about […]

Most Romantic Couple: Riggs & Murtaugh

Bromance. The word might only have been coined in the last few years to define the relationship between two guys in movies like I Love You Man, but the situation has been around for far longer; crossing lines of race and prejudice, marriage, love and music taste in the movies for years. But not only […]

Most Romantic Couple: Riggs & Murtaugh

Bromance. The word might only have been coined in the last few years to define the relationship between two guys in movies like I Love You Man, but the situation has been around for far longer; crossing lines of race and prejudice, marriage, love and music taste in the movies for years. But not only […]

Review: The Randomers

In the run-up to Valentine’s Day, there will be plenty of schmaltzy slogans bandied about on cards, signs, adverts, and coming from the mouths of spouses and significant others around the world as the pressure to say those three magic words – “I love you,” not “I forgot, sorry” – is ramped up for the […]

The Arcade Review Of 2013 Part 2

As January draws to a close, we just manage to squeeze in some of our last few highlights from 2013 as Liam concludes a year in the Arcade.

Interview – Jason Butler on Collider and Transmedia

With it's release in Irish cinemas, Liam sits down with Collider's director Jason Butler to talk about the challenges facing filmmakers, the perks of working on a transmedia project and why he was drawn to the project in the first place!

Where I Go To Hide

Violent video games and films have been connected with violence in youth a lot over the last few years, but does it ring true? Is GTA desensitising children to violence? Are horror movies influencing children and young adults to lash out? Liam Kavanagh

The Arcade Review Of 2013

Another year passes, and we go right along with it. Thank the digital gods that the internet is there to preserve all the stuff we forgot in the last 12 months. And wouldn’t you know it, 2013 was a banner year, not just for the site which saw new blood and new formats popping up all over the place, but for the media here and worldwide.