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Andy Kavanagh

Boss Rush: Gizamaluke (Final Fantasy IX)

You always remember your first, and Final Fantasy IX was my first. Until I crossed paths with Zidane and his rag-tag team of ruffians, I had no idea just how immersive, impressive and ultimately influential video games could be. I’ve harped on for days about how IX is undoubtedly the best in the series, and […]

Life In Japan: Maid Cafés And You (Part 1)

Japan has a lot of unique stuff within its borders, mostly because of how unique its culture and its people are, although that may well be a chicken-egg question best left unanswered. One such cultural oddity is the globally infamous Maid Café but, as popular as they are, and believe me they are, it can […]

Review: Attack On Titan (Shingeki No Kyojin)

How the hell am I supposed to review this thing? Honestly, how on earth can anyone possibly talk objectively about what this lumbering monstrosity of a film is when the monsters responsible for its creation clearly never figured that out themselves? Where do I even begin? I’ve clearly abandoned all journalistic integrity trying to write […]

Gallery: Comiket Cosplay 2015

Comiket or Comic Market is the bi-annual manga festival that took Japan by storm. Since it’s origins in 1975, the show has become one of the largest gatherings, drawing in nearly half a million people per event and a lot of the audience comes in elaborate cosplay. The August show which is currently under way […]

Life In Japan: What A Wonderful World

Having arrived in Japan fresh from Dublin, Ireland – a city that exists in a seasonal vacuum perpetually stuck between spring and winter – my time here has taught me a lot more about the country than I expected to learn. Japan, for example, takes the four seasons very seriously, possibly because of how typical […]

Life In Japan: Gudetama

I’m gonna go ahead and assume that you are familiar with Hello Kitty. Arguably one of the first true Japanese pop culture icons, Hello Kitty is famous all over the world and stands as a steadfast symbol of Japan’s kawaii-culture, despite the relatively unknown fact that Kitty is actually Taiwanese. That’s not true, but you […]

Review: Love Live! The School Idol Movie

If you’re the type of person who pays attention to anime news, and if you’re reading this you probably are, you might be aware that several of the industry’s biggest names are unhappy with its current state. Schrodinger’s retiree Hayao Miyazaki has said that the industry is in decline and more recently Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno went […]

Boss Rush: The Shard (Mirror’s Edge)

The Shard is not a boss in the truest sense of the word. It’s not a singular entity that you fight face to face, nor is it even one fight alone. The Shard is the name given to the final sequence of 2008’s divisive first-person free-runner Mirror’s Edge, and it’s also one of the most […]

Boss Rush: The Shard (Mirror's Edge)

The Shard is not a boss in the truest sense of the word. It’s not a singular entity that you fight face to face, nor is it even one fight alone. The Shard is the name given to the final sequence of 2008’s divisive first-person free-runner Mirror’s Edge, and it’s also one of the most […]

Life in Japan: Sleep Is For The Weak

It feels childish to say that Tokyo is a different place by night. Cities, by their very nature, are constantly in flux; changing and bending to the whims and will of the people within them, and the change that befalls every city in the world as daylight dies is universally understood. That said, there’s something […]