Agent 47 is one of the most dangerous characters in the gaming world, as the third part of the current run trilogy, will be available in January 2021. The latest gameplay trailer and blog, shows the many ways 47 can takedown, subdue and eliminate your targets. In the highly trained hands, almost any items can become a weapon.
Powered by IO Interactive’s proprietary Glacier engine, HITMAN 3 puts you in full control of Agent 47’s deadly abilities. With new locations and targets to kill, you can even import the previous levels from HITMAN & HITMAN 2. This will give you over twenty locations to test your skills. The older locations will benefit from all the lighting, rendering and AI improvements that have been implemented in HITMAN 3. Check out the new trailer below.
DualSense Features
All of the guns in the game will support adaptive triggers and you’ll feel an authentic sensation with each shot you fire. Automatic weapons also simulate recoil with every bullet and will be implementing unique haptic feedback for each weapon.
A great example, is the sniper rifle focus mode. The R2 trigger will give resistant when focusing your aim. Hold the pressure to remain steady and pull through the trigger to take your shot.
HITMAN 3 will allow players to become Agent 47 in VR. Better yet, if you own the previous titles, you can import their levels into HITMAN 3 and play them in a new way, thanks to PS VR. You can play via PS VR natively on PlayStation 4 or on PlayStation 5, thanks to backwards compatibility (and a camera adapter). For more information, check out the latest PS blog piece on HITMAN 3.
On next-gen consoles, HITMAN 3 will support 4K visuals, 60 fps, HDR and faster loading times. The game will also bring refinements to interaction animation and AI, as well as Glacier’s crowd technology that will allow up to 300 NPC’s in a location at once.
HITMAN 3 will release January 20th 2021 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Google Stadia and PC. HITMAN 3 will also be coming to Nintendo Switch, playable via cloud streaming technology.