Home Buzz Top 10 Comic Book Series of 2013
Top 10 Comic Book Series of 2013

Top 10 Comic Book Series of 2013


hawkeye2012002dc1113345127935: Hawkeye

Why are more people not flipping out about this book? Matt Fraction and David Aja have totally pulled an ‘Iron Fist’ and taken a character that many previously thought couldn’t have held their own title afloat and given them the star treatment showing us why the “Hawkguy” is more than just a bow and arrow man as he deals with the tracksuit-mafia “bros” in his non-Avenger time.

While technically featuring two Hawkeyes with the addition of Kate Bishop it’s safe to say this is a book like few others. Aja’s beautiful art style is enough to keep us coming back each issue sure, but Fraction’s really gotten into what makes Clint Barton tick or rather what doesn’t and Ms Bishop finding her way as a young hero and basically just being Kate Bishop is great fun to read.

It’s an emotional thrill ride really. ‘Grills’ man … L and then there’s the now infamous “Pizza-dog issue” come on, who wouldn’t read that.

all-new-x-men-vol-14: All New X-Men

Yes I know, two X-books on the list. But they are that good and each in their own way. With Brian Bendis at the writing helm again and Stuart Immonen taking the artistic reigns, All New X-Men is one of the most successful books to emerge from the Marvel Now! Launch.

After the drama of Avengers Vs. X-Men the X-Men are in quite a bad way, so the obvious solution here is to bring the original X-Men team from the past forward in time to boost the spirits of the present teams.

What could go wrong right?

Well still reeling from another huge X-crossover ‘Battle of the Atom’ and now rolling with Cyclops and his Uncanny team word on the web is there’s another crossover coming featuring the Guardians of the Galaxy.

 walking-dead-cover-1153: The Walking Dead

 How could I not include The Walking Dead on this list? October’s issue #115 was THE highest selling comic book issue of 2013 alone.

I remember going to the midnight release even. But sales figures aside this is a powerhouse series that’s somehow found a way to ramp up the action, tension, dread and hate. Yes hate. Negan. I just LOVE to hate that bastard. October’s #115 also kicked off the series latest story arc ‘All Out War’ where Rick Grimes and the (remaining) crew decide to tackle Negan and his forces head on.

TWD has long since passed out any ties to its TV namesake to the point where these books are truly so far ahead the show couldn’t hope to catch up. It’s more than just zombies; honestly those lads are the last of the characters worries in this book now. 2013 saw TWD transcend from being a horror themed comic book to becoming a story about true survival, society and deeply character driven stories. However don’t go and get too attached to any of these characters. T

he very nature of the TWD means that almost as SOON as you think “Hey I really like ____” that character’s gone. So be warned your feels will be tested. Few other books out there will draw you in and actually instil the characters dread and anxiety with you as you read in the same way TWD does. Nobody is safe. Not even you.

batman-22-capullo-600x9112: Batman

For ‘Zero Year’ alone Batman deserves the spot here. Kicking off in June of 2013 ‘Zero Year’ is a yearlong crossover event redefining Bruce-Man’s origin to better fit the New 52 and it is taking the bat books by storm.

I should clarify it is NOT a retelling of the infamous Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli classic that is “Batman: Year One.”

Writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo are each doing the finest work of their careers on this book. They are literally redefining what it means to be Batman. With Bruce Wayne returning to Gotham after his travels away and butting heads with the nefarious Red Hood One. Seeing Batman cobble together his suit, cave and above all else, his strategy is the real treat here. I can’t say how many times I’ve finished an issue and found myself thinking “So THAT’S where he learned to do that” With early incarnations of Harvey ‘TwoFace’ Dent and The Penguin showing up, the birth of The Joker and the rise of The Riddler it is jam-packed with fan favourite characters all cast in a new  light. With the November announcement that ‘Zero Year’ will expand beyond the Batman book and spreading into other titles with characters first meetings of the Batman or early experiences in Gotham City.

Get in on this now if you haven’t already.

1: Superior Spider-Man

I DID say that this was my list didn’t I?

This time last year in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man #700 we learned that Spidey’s long-time baddie Doc Ock managed to pull a ‘Freaky Friday’ style brain swap with Peter Parker leaving the amazing Spider-Man’s mind trapped in the bad doctors dying body. After an epic brawl Peter Parker seemingly died still trapped inside the body of his arch foe, leaving Otto Octavius a new lease on life as he vowed to uphold the responsibilities of Spider-Man while using his super villain genius to surpass Peter’s achievements and become The Superior Spider-Man.

Superior-Spider-ManWith Dan Slott in the writers chair this has certainly been one of the most controversial sagas in Spider-history. Any creative decision that results in death threats to the writer usually is though right? While we were totally devastated to see Pete go, I think we all know he’ll be back eventually. I just don’t think anyone expected the Superior Saga to last this long? It shows absolutely no signs of letting up and is top of the pull list each time with me.

Watching Doctor Octopus apply super villain tactics to a superhero is endlessly entertaining. Spidey’s got giant mech’s minions, and a surveillance network that means he never need patrol the city aimlessly again.

But it’s not just Spidey’s life Ock has taken liberties with, moving in the public eye as Peter Parker he’s managed to get a lot done too, Parker Industries anyone? With Spidey-Ock or ‘Spock’ as fans have taken to calling him currently engaged in some Venom level drama, and the highly anticipated ‘Goblin Nation’ storyline on way.

Anyone who hasn’t checked this series out yet needs to get in on it fast.

 So those are my top ten series of 2013. There’s a ton of other series I’d have loved to include here but alas … only ten. Honourable mention I feel must go to ‘Batman & Robin; Wake, Saga, Ultimate Spider-Man, New Avengers and Infinity. There are many others too. But remember; “to each their own” feel free to sound off with your own top 10 series in the comments below guys. Thanks for reading.


hawkeye2012002dc1113345127935: Hawkeye

Why are more people not flipping out about this book? Matt Fraction and David Aja have totally pulled an ‘Iron Fist’ and taken a character that many previously thought couldn’t have held their own title afloat and given them the star treatment showing us why the “Hawkguy” is more than just a bow and arrow man as he deals with the tracksuit-mafia “bros” in his non-Avenger time.

While technically featuring two Hawkeyes with the addition of Kate Bishop it’s safe to say this is a book like few others. Aja’s beautiful art style is enough to keep us coming back each issue sure, but Fraction’s really gotten into what makes Clint Barton tick or rather what doesn’t and Ms Bishop finding her way as a young hero and basically just being Kate Bishop is great fun to read.

It’s an emotional thrill ride really. ‘Grills’ man … L and then there’s the now infamous “Pizza-dog issue” come on, who wouldn’t read that.

all-new-x-men-vol-14: All New X-Men

Yes I know, two X-books on the list. But they are that good and each in their own way. With Brian Bendis at the writing helm again and Stuart Immonen taking the artistic reigns, All New X-Men is one of the most successful books to emerge from the Marvel Now! Launch.

After the drama of Avengers Vs. X-Men the X-Men are in quite a bad way, so the obvious solution here is to bring the original X-Men team from the past forward in time to boost the spirits of the present teams.

What could go wrong right?

Well still reeling from another huge X-crossover ‘Battle of the Atom’ and now rolling with Cyclops and his Uncanny team word on the web is there’s another crossover coming featuring the Guardians of the Galaxy.

 walking-dead-cover-1153: The Walking Dead

 How could I not include The Walking Dead on this list? October’s issue #115 was THE highest selling comic book issue of 2013 alone.

I remember going to the midnight release even. But sales figures aside this is a powerhouse series that’s somehow found a way to ramp up the action, tension, dread and hate. Yes hate. Negan. I just LOVE to hate that bastard. October’s #115 also kicked off the series latest story arc ‘All Out War’ where Rick Grimes and the (remaining) crew decide to tackle Negan and his forces head on.

TWD has long since passed out any ties to its TV namesake to the point where these books are truly so far ahead the show couldn’t hope to catch up. It’s more than just zombies; honestly those lads are the last of the characters worries in this book now. 2013 saw TWD transcend from being a horror themed comic book to becoming a story about true survival, society and deeply character driven stories. However don’t go and get too attached to any of these characters. T

he very nature of the TWD means that almost as SOON as you think “Hey I really like ____” that character’s gone. So be warned your feels will be tested. Few other books out there will draw you in and actually instil the characters dread and anxiety with you as you read in the same way TWD does. Nobody is safe. Not even you.

batman-22-capullo-600x9112: Batman

For ‘Zero Year’ alone Batman deserves the spot here. Kicking off in June of 2013 ‘Zero Year’ is a yearlong crossover event redefining Bruce-Man’s origin to better fit the New 52 and it is taking the bat books by storm.

I should clarify it is NOT a retelling of the infamous Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli classic that is “Batman: Year One.”

Writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo are each doing the finest work of their careers on this book. They are literally redefining what it means to be Batman. With Bruce Wayne returning to Gotham after his travels away and butting heads with the nefarious Red Hood One. Seeing Batman cobble together his suit, cave and above all else, his strategy is the real treat here. I can’t say how many times I’ve finished an issue and found myself thinking “So THAT’S where he learned to do that” With early incarnations of Harvey ‘TwoFace’ Dent and The Penguin showing up, the birth of The Joker and the rise of The Riddler it is jam-packed with fan favourite characters all cast in a new  light. With the November announcement that ‘Zero Year’ will expand beyond the Batman book and spreading into other titles with characters first meetings of the Batman or early experiences in Gotham City.

Get in on this now if you haven’t already.

1: Superior Spider-Man

I DID say that this was my list didn’t I?

This time last year in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man #700 we learned that Spidey’s long-time baddie Doc Ock managed to pull a ‘Freaky Friday’ style brain swap with Peter Parker leaving the amazing Spider-Man’s mind trapped in the bad doctors dying body. After an epic brawl Peter Parker seemingly died still trapped inside the body of his arch foe, leaving Otto Octavius a new lease on life as he vowed to uphold the responsibilities of Spider-Man while using his super villain genius to surpass Peter’s achievements and become The Superior Spider-Man.

Superior-Spider-ManWith Dan Slott in the writers chair this has certainly been one of the most controversial sagas in Spider-history. Any creative decision that results in death threats to the writer usually is though right? While we were totally devastated to see Pete go, I think we all know he’ll be back eventually. I just don’t think anyone expected the Superior Saga to last this long? It shows absolutely no signs of letting up and is top of the pull list each time with me.

Watching Doctor Octopus apply super villain tactics to a superhero is endlessly entertaining. Spidey’s got giant mech’s minions, and a surveillance network that means he never need patrol the city aimlessly again.

But it’s not just Spidey’s life Ock has taken liberties with, moving in the public eye as Peter Parker he’s managed to get a lot done too, Parker Industries anyone? With Spidey-Ock or ‘Spock’ as fans have taken to calling him currently engaged in some Venom level drama, and the highly anticipated ‘Goblin Nation’ storyline on way.

Anyone who hasn’t checked this series out yet needs to get in on it fast.

 So those are my top ten series of 2013. There’s a ton of other series I’d have loved to include here but alas … only ten. Honourable mention I feel must go to ‘Batman & Robin; Wake, Saga, Ultimate Spider-Man, New Avengers and Infinity. There are many others too. But remember; “to each their own” feel free to sound off with your own top 10 series in the comments below guys. Thanks for reading.
