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Dublin City Comics: A Profile

Dublin City Comics: A Profile


Do you find that there is a lot of competition in the comic book market?

Not really actually. When we started there might have been but then they realized that we’re not out there to nick their business we have our own niche market because there are people who don’t shop in certain shops. Customers like the different shops for what they offer. So me and the other guys get on grand. There’s no animosity and we all get on. There’s more of a comradeship than competition. There’s no reason you can’t get on. There’s a comic book appreciation society in the Grand Social Bar even. 

Going back to the club how did that come about?

Well initially we had the space and we were going to use it as either a larger part of the shop or a storage room and we were sitting with Wayne Talbot and a few friends and we were joking about what we were going to do and someone said to have a club where we can hang out and we all though it was awesome and it just came about. Wayne Talbot from the Pubcast actually came up with the name for the Geekeasy. 

And can you tell me a bit more about the games? 

We do a lot of research when it comes to the games that we get and we want to keep a social aspect. we’ve recently gone into MMOs. We want it to be a group thing. The MMOs that we play we have four or five people in the group playing the game. We’re all trying to co-ordinate. When people get too aggressive it just ruins the whole experience. We’ve never had a row here in two and a half years. We’ve had a few instances where people get shirty but you just keep slagging them. There’s new people coming in every week and people are getting on because they have a common appreciation. 

Would it be purely PC or would there be Xbox games too?

We have a Gamecube and a PS3 and a Nintendo as well as an Xbox and PS2 and N62 in the corner but they generally don’t get used because you can get more players on the PC. Most of the games that we use are controller enabled. 

Favorite Avenger and why? 

In the comic The Avengers it would be one of the Dark Avengers. My favorite was Bullseye playing Hawkeye with Norman Osbourne at the head of the team and all the villains masquerading as the heroes. They are all set each other up and screw each other. From the movie it would probably be Thor. I loved the Thor movie, I’m a big fan of Kenneth Brannagh and he brought a lot to it. Joss Whedon has the team working and he works better with an ensemble cast. 

The interview continues for some time before we end the conversation. Judging from this encounter I have discovered that there is no underestimating the Irish Comic Industry. I have come out of this experience more enthusiastic about the world of comics than I have ever felt and I hope that those who read this will feel the same.

For now, we’ll continue to explore the wonderful world of the Irish Comic Book Industry, all thanks to the awesome lads at Dublin City Comics. 

You can keep up to date with Dublin City Comics, ask questions about incoming titles and more by clicking the link below:

DCC Facebook



Do you find that there is a lot of competition in the comic book market?

Not really actually. When we started there might have been but then they realized that we’re not out there to nick their business we have our own niche market because there are people who don’t shop in certain shops. Customers like the different shops for what they offer. So me and the other guys get on grand. There’s no animosity and we all get on. There’s more of a comradeship than competition. There’s no reason you can’t get on. There’s a comic book appreciation society in the Grand Social Bar even. 

Going back to the club how did that come about?

Well initially we had the space and we were going to use it as either a larger part of the shop or a storage room and we were sitting with Wayne Talbot and a few friends and we were joking about what we were going to do and someone said to have a club where we can hang out and we all though it was awesome and it just came about. Wayne Talbot from the Pubcast actually came up with the name for the Geekeasy. 

And can you tell me a bit more about the games? 

We do a lot of research when it comes to the games that we get and we want to keep a social aspect. we’ve recently gone into MMOs. We want it to be a group thing. The MMOs that we play we have four or five people in the group playing the game. We’re all trying to co-ordinate. When people get too aggressive it just ruins the whole experience. We’ve never had a row here in two and a half years. We’ve had a few instances where people get shirty but you just keep slagging them. There’s new people coming in every week and people are getting on because they have a common appreciation. 

Would it be purely PC or would there be Xbox games too?

We have a Gamecube and a PS3 and a Nintendo as well as an Xbox and PS2 and N62 in the corner but they generally don’t get used because you can get more players on the PC. Most of the games that we use are controller enabled. 

Favorite Avenger and why? 

In the comic The Avengers it would be one of the Dark Avengers. My favorite was Bullseye playing Hawkeye with Norman Osbourne at the head of the team and all the villains masquerading as the heroes. They are all set each other up and screw each other. From the movie it would probably be Thor. I loved the Thor movie, I’m a big fan of Kenneth Brannagh and he brought a lot to it. Joss Whedon has the team working and he works better with an ensemble cast. 

The interview continues for some time before we end the conversation. Judging from this encounter I have discovered that there is no underestimating the Irish Comic Industry. I have come out of this experience more enthusiastic about the world of comics than I have ever felt and I hope that those who read this will feel the same.

For now, we’ll continue to explore the wonderful world of the Irish Comic Book Industry, all thanks to the awesome lads at Dublin City Comics. 

You can keep up to date with Dublin City Comics, ask questions about incoming titles and more by clicking the link below:

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