Home Tag "Tomr Raider"

Tomb Raider's LOST Connection

Let me say upfront, I really enjoyed the new Tomb Raider game.  It was exciting, adventurous and action packed, and it delivered an engaging story.  And boy-howdy, Lara Croft could stand up to some beatings, couldn’t she?  In the first twenty minutes she was knocked unconscious, impaled, and survived numerous falls and tumbles off cliffs […]

Tomb Raider’s LOST Connection

Let me say upfront, I really enjoyed the new Tomb Raider game.  It was exciting, adventurous and action packed, and it delivered an engaging story.  And boy-howdy, Lara Croft could stand up to some beatings, couldn’t she?  In the first twenty minutes she was knocked unconscious, impaled, and survived numerous falls and tumbles off cliffs […]