Home Tag "The Young Turks"

Mad As Hell 2015 Trailer Released

Last year saw the release of Mad As Hell, a documentary by Andrew Napier that details the genesis of TYT Network. The Arcade has covered TYT in its current permutation, but many are likely curious to know how it came about. Whether the film is up to the task this film critic cannot yet say. Still, having taken […]

YouTube Digest: The Young Turks

The Young Turks (TYT) is the largest online news show in the world. I have cited TYT a number of times on The Arcade.  In fact, John Iadarola’s GoT commentary was the inciting incident for a piece on Binge Watching. It seems then that a YouTube Digest is well overdue. However, a conventional YouTube Digest may prove insufficient to the […]

Kim Horcher and Pre-Ordering Problems

Earlier today, Kim Horcher, host of TYT’s Nerd Alert, explained her opinion regarding the pre-ordering trends. With video games being the largest, most profitable entertainment industry in the world, pre-ordering, seemed understandable for a time. Now though, Horcher asserts, it causes more problems than it solves, and it is hurting the fans as much as […]