Home Tag "Runpee"

Runpee.com solving problems you didn't know you had

It's happened to us all! You've slurped your way through a Super Large Bucket of Fanta and now you're bladder is teetering on an explosion so massive your insides will rupture but what's this...you can sense a major plot twist coming up in the film? Do you sit there and enjoy gambling a pair of wet pants or do you dart to the bathroom missing minutes of priceless cinema! Fret no more! We've found RunPee.com

Runpee.com solving problems you didn’t know you had

It's happened to us all! You've slurped your way through a Super Large Bucket of Fanta and now you're bladder is teetering on an explosion so massive your insides will rupture but what's this...you can sense a major plot twist coming up in the film? Do you sit there and enjoy gambling a pair of wet pants or do you dart to the bathroom missing minutes of priceless cinema! Fret no more! We've found RunPee.com