Home Tag "Jaclyn Glenn"

Revenge Porn Activists Lead The Charge On Social Media

Since coming forward as a victim of revenge pornography, YouTuber Chrissy Chambers‘ Change.org petition has reached over 90,000 signatures. However, in a video posted on her personal channel earlier this week, Jaclyn Glen (fellow YouTuber and Chambers’ personal friend) has urged sympathisers to change their social media profile pictures to the above image “in honour of the movement”. Chambers and […]

YouTubers Fight To End Revenge Porn

Over the last week, YouTubers Bria Kam and Chrissy Chambers have been in the UK pursuing legal action against a British national. The accused is a former partner of Chambers (24) who is charged with having made and distributed revenge pornography in which Chambers (aged 18 at the time) is featured. For those not aware of the […]