Home Tag "Valve"

Weekly Recap 11/01/2014

Hello, and welcome back to the weekly news recap of all the biggest news in gaming. This week begins the first of many weeks of gaming news for 2014, so without delay, let’s get this thing going and start with the headlines: Sony Announces Playstation Now ‘Inazuma Eleven’ Comes to 3DS Sega Announced ‘Alien: Isolation’ […]

Steam: A History

These days it’s easy to see Steam as being something that was always there, something that came packaged with PC gaming as a whole but its origins were much humbler than that and that's where I come in! I’m here to talk to you about the origins of the biggest digital provider of PC games in the world.

News: Valve leak Half Life 3

A screen shot of Valve’s User Picker software is doing the rounds this morning, why? Well it just happens to contain the tiniest reference to Half Life 3 development groups, ‘Half Life 3’ and ‘Half Life 3 Core’. For some unknown reason the software was made public last night and the mistake(?) lasted just long […]

Steam Greenlight is go!

We are all familiar with Steam, and the great service it provides. Well now with the launch of Steam Greenlight smaller indie games that might normally get overlooked now will have the chance to get noticed and distributed on the service, but only if you do you part and vote! Steam Greenlight is a new […]