Home Tag "The Walking Dead-Season two"

Weekly Recap 31/05/2014

Missed out all the big news from the week? Fret not! I have you covered with his weekly recap of all the big and not so big news! Yes that’s right folks, after an extended hiatus, The Weekly Recap is back.  Just in time too, as E3 is just around the corner, but that doesn’t […]

Weekly Recap 10/05/2014

Yes that’s right folks, as I am sure you are already aware, the Arcade has reached its fourth birthday this weekend! I am one of the newer members of the staff here, but I ready feel right at home. In only a couple of months I’ve started the Weekly Recap, Release Roundup and At A […]

Weekly Recap 02/03/2014

Hello, and welcome back to the weekly recap of all the biggest news in gaming. Let’s get this started with the headlines. Pac is Back! Nintendo Announces Online Termination Seth Rogen to Direct ‘Nintendo vs Sega’ ‘Minecraft’ Movie Confirmed ‘Day-Z’ creator leaves Bohemia Day-Z has really become quite the phenomenon since it’s original mod version […]