Home Tag "The Legend of Zelda:Skyward Sword"

Nintendo E3 2021 Direct Re-Cap

Another E3 has come to an end, and with it, another Nintendo Direct. Nintendo revealed plans for the remainder of 2021, as well as some plans for releases in 2022. In this piece, we’ll be re-capping all of the reveals for Nintendo’s E3 Direct. So, let’s get straight into it! Kazuya Super Smash Brothers: Ultimate […]

At A Glance: Broken Age: Act 1

Welcome to “At a Glance” where first impressions of a title mean everything! This week I look at the first act of the Double Fine adventure Kickstarter game Broken Age. So without delay, maiden sacrifices, space adventures and others, I present to you Broken Age: Act One. Ciaran Nolan