Home Tag "The Doctor"

The Doctor Conundrum – Who’s Who?

Has there ever been a character with a backstory as tangled and impervious to navigation as the Doctor?  Thirteen official faces with numbers that don’t match, events that happen in the wrong order or may indeed never come to pass, alternate timelines, alternate timelines within those alternate timelines…it’s confusing, convoluted, and at times can get somewhat […]

The Doctor Conundrum – Who's Who?

Has there ever been a character with a backstory as tangled and impervious to navigation as the Doctor?  Thirteen official faces with numbers that don’t match, events that happen in the wrong order or may indeed never come to pass, alternate timelines, alternate timelines within those alternate timelines…it’s confusing, convoluted, and at times can get somewhat […]

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor’s Era

 The announcement that Matt Smith will be leaving Doctor Who at the end of this year left me stunned, I have to say. It’s quite interesting, too. I’ve seen Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant come and go since I actually started watching the show, but this time feels a bit…different. When Eccleston left the show, […]

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor's Era

 The announcement that Matt Smith will be leaving Doctor Who at the end of this year left me stunned, I have to say. It’s quite interesting, too. I’ve seen Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant come and go since I actually started watching the show, but this time feels a bit…different. When Eccleston left the show, […]