Home Tag "Tekken"

Tekken 7 Championships Coming To Ireland

AsOne Productions are teaming up with Bandai Namco to bring the Tekken 7 Championship to our fair shores. In an announcement yesterday evening Bandai Namco tweeted the full timeline of the upcoming tournaments. Announcing the TEKKEN 7 UK CHAMPIONSHIP with @ESLUK! Take part in events in Apr-May 2017 across the country! > https://t.co/qtFQ5QS7MB pic.twitter.com/lA2xrSxq1Y — […]

Gif Essay: The Road To EVO

So you want to get into fighting games? Oh you poor summer child. I hope you are ready for a long journey filled with sweat, tears and plenty of thrown controllers. After that controller breaks we can actually get you something useful and buy you a fightstick. After that we can get into frame data, […]

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U Style

Really not too sure to say about the above video… it’s all kinds of crazy and this coming from the folk who live on sugar and 80’s Japanese cartoons! Mushroom Battle as well as the…errr.. customisable costume pieces you will see the video are only available to Nintendo fans when Tekken Tag Tournament 2 becomes […]