Home Tag "scott pilgrim"

Nerd Icon- Edgar Wright

It’s time for Ian’s Nerd Icon! I noticed that my last two picks, H.G. Wells and Bela Lugosi, were rather ventage. Therefore, I thought I’d mix things up this week by choosing an icon who DIDN’T die years before I was born. As a writer and director, Edgar Wright ranks high among my favourite artists. Hot […]

Scott Pilgrim’s Guide To Life

Not so long ago, in the mysterious land of Toronto, Canada, we looked into Scott Pilgrim’s views on life. Today, the Arcade brings you some pearls of wisdom that come straight from the mouth of our favourite Canadian bass player. Scott on…Peers On…adventure On…appearances On…etiquette On…motivation On…romance On…talent On…the future On…health On…wealth Are there any […]

Cops Hunting Snotty Girls – Comicphiles

Looking for new comics to read? We’re here to help! For this week’s Comicphiles I decided to go with another scattershot approach. Judging only by the covers, I picked three comics I’d never heard of before at all. The feeling of picking up something totally unfamiliar and being sucked in – that was my goal. I […]

New Work From Bryan Lee O’Malley

It has been a busy week for Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O’Malley. The first issue of Snotgirl from Image Comics was released on Wednesday, and a teaser image for a new graphic novel Worst World was revealed on Tuesday. Snotgirl Snotgirl works as a first for a lot of things for O’Malley. Co-created with artist […]

In Regards To The Hacking Scandal

The price of fame can be a high cost to pay despite the obvious monetary benefits. There is no greater toll to pay than the cost of one’s privacy. Certain types of lowest common denominator media have an obsession with shady methods for their own voyeuristic end. The constant pushing of the limits of personal […]

Review: Seconds

There is a moment in Seconds that will speak to just about everyone. Whether or not you get the social commentary or the cultural witticisms doesn’t matter. You’ll get this. It’s a moment that will elicit empathy in just about anyone who’s ever tried to do anything and amidst the insanity of everything around it, […]