Home Tag "Samurai"

Cthulhu, Samurai and Demons – Comicphiles

Hello, comic people! Hello non-comic people. This is another smoking hot, black-and-white, demon-ridden edition of Comicphiles.  I watched a western on Sunday and that got me on a Tarantino binge and now all I can think about is Detectives and pulpy fiction and bloody sword/gunfights. That Sunday night is the exact reason I could help myself […]

YesFlix/NoFlix: Red Cliff Vs. Ninja

Martial arts movies are not everyone’s bag. Some are committed fans of the genre, and some think that grouping these films under the term ‘genre’ is giving them too much credit. Yet for all the derision from those who aren’t fans, there is plenty from fans themselves. Hard though it might be for some to believe, not all martial […]

Sengoku Basara – Samurai Kings

It doesn’t have girls with super magical powers! It doesn’t have a thought provoking or bone chilling plot! Samurai Kings just fell into our lap and with a look of utter puzzlement we stuck it into the DVD player not exactly overly enthused that we had to watch something that doesn’t even have a spark […]