Home Tag "Saints Row"

5 Fictional Dream Destinations

Well, folks, it’s that time of year again. That time when the summer is coming to a close and for many of us in the teen-early twenties bracket it means we have to stop sleeping until 12 and actually get our act together. Whether you’ve had a summer full of adventure or one of relaxation […]

Saints Row IV banned in Australia

The Australian Classification Board denied Saints Row IV due to interactive, visual depictions of implied sexual violence which are not justified by context and illicit drug use related to incentives or rewards. Such depictions are prohibited under the guidelines, a report issued to IGN outlines certain features that prompted their decision… Alan Horgan

THQ and the Humble Bundle

*Update* The THQ Humble Bundle has made over $2.4 million in under 24 hours, to date the largest success of a Bundle was $5.1 million for Humble Indie Bundle V. At this rate this Bundle will be the most successful yet. Great news for everyone involved. The Humble Bundle or the Humble Indie Bundle as it started out, was […]