Home Tag "Re-engineered"

The Last Guardian being “Re-Engineered”

The highly anticipated title “The Last Guardian” is being reworked,and it seems likely it will be heading to PS4. In a interview with Games Industy International, Shuhei Yoshida(Sony’s head of Worldwide Studios) talked about the development of the title, Fumito Ueda’s involvement and the right time for re-introducing it. Ciaran Nolan

The Last Guardian being "Re-Engineered"

The highly anticipated title “The Last Guardian” is being reworked,and it seems likely it will be heading to PS4. In a interview with Games Industy International, Shuhei Yoshida(Sony’s head of Worldwide Studios) talked about the development of the title, Fumito Ueda’s involvement and the right time for re-introducing it. Ciaran Nolan