Home Tag "preacher"

Preacher S02E07 ‘Pig’ Review

After how wild the previous episode was, Preacher dialed it back a bit for this episode. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It just deals with a different thing. “LOOK FOR THE SIGNS, YOU SORRY SONS OF BITCHES! BECAUSE SHIT’S ABOUT TO GET REAL!” Nothing much happens with our Unholy Trinity this episode. They […]

Preacher S02E06 ‘Sokosha’ Review

Well, this was something else. We’ve gone from the worst episode of the show to the best episode! Sure, I was a bit confused when the episode started, but it all fit together in the end. “I started having second thoughts, and then second thoughts about the second thoughts.” When this episode began I actually […]

Preacher S02E05 ‘Dallas’ Review

Spoilers ahead! One major reason why these reviews have been so delayed is this episode. It’s been weeks and I’m not sure what to make of it yet. I’m struggling to find my words because I didn’t care much for it. Season one could be very slow, but this episode is painstakingly so. It’s season […]

Preacher S02E04 ‘Viktor’ Review

Hi people! Sorry for the delay in this review, the last two weeks have been hectic and I couldn’t find time to sit down and write this review until now. In fact I’ve fallen a bit behind with this reviewing business (real life got in the way in a spectacular fashion) so it’s time to […]

Preacher S02E03 ‘Damsels’ Review

I woke up Monday morning thinking “No Twin Peaks last night, but at least I have Preacher.” Then I remembered that Preacher changed days and that now it’s on Tuesdays, which was slightly annoying. I even considered going back to bed and waking up on Tuesday, but that would’ve been too much. Anyway, this episode […]

Preacher S1EP8 Review ‘El Valero’

Last week it looked like we were heading for a major confrontation, and we got that. And it was great, and some gaps we were missing were filled. And while the confrontation didn’t solve things exactly, I’m fine with it. However, as a Spaniard I’ve no idea why they titled this episode this way. I’m […]