Home Tag "Preacher Review"

Preacher S02E05 ‘Dallas’ Review

Spoilers ahead! One major reason why these reviews have been so delayed is this episode. It’s been weeks and I’m not sure what to make of it yet. I’m struggling to find my words because I didn’t care much for it. Season one could be very slow, but this episode is painstakingly so. It’s season […]

Preacher S02E04 ‘Viktor’ Review

Hi people! Sorry for the delay in this review, the last two weeks have been hectic and I couldn’t find time to sit down and write this review until now. In fact I’ve fallen a bit behind with this reviewing business (real life got in the way in a spectacular fashion) so it’s time to […]

Preacher S1EP8 Review ‘El Valero’

Last week it looked like we were heading for a major confrontation, and we got that. And it was great, and some gaps we were missing were filled. And while the confrontation didn’t solve things exactly, I’m fine with it. However, as a Spaniard I’ve no idea why they titled this episode this way. I’m […]

Preacher S1EP7 ‘He Gone’ Review

Oh dear… I’m more stumped with each episode of Preacher that goes by. This episode was confusing, but we got some explanations about things from the past and a glimpse of things to come. And it looks like the endgame will be quite messy. “Till the end of the world.” We’ve had several episodes without […]

Preacher S1EP6 ‘Sundowner’ Review

I’m stumped. I’m still thinking “What’s Preacher’s endgame?” after the events of this episode. I don’t know what to make about that ending but it certainly makes things interesting… Anyway, let’s get into it. “STAB HER GENTLY!” Last week we left Jesse at the Flavor Station (where he had been for most of the episode). […]

Preacher S1 Ep 4 ‘Monster Swamp’

Last week Sheriff Root defined Annville as a Monster Swamp, which is this episode’s title. Anville has a literal monster in Cassidy, and you have those weirdos who might be angels, but the real people are the monsters here. Over the past few weeks we’ve seen them being despicable, and this week is no different. […]

Preacher S1 Ep 3 ‘The Possibilities’

I’m going to assume this will be a common reocurrence when it comes to Preacher, as last week’s opening scene had me thinking “Are they doing what I think they’re doing?!” and the answer in that case was “So it seems, so enjoy the ride”. And while this week’s scene wasn’t doing that for me […]