Home Tag "Platformer"

World To The West – Review

World to the West is the second release by Rain Games. Their first offering, Teslagrad, was one of the big indie hits a few years ago and ended up being included in a fair number of indie bundles. Rather than resting on their laurels though, they have decided to go in a different direction for World to the West. […]

Boss Rush: You (Spelunky)

Spelunky is a game that I would describe as something that actively plays against your impatience. Be too fast and it will spit you back out. Be too slow and it will force hastiness upon you. But that’s part of what’s great about Spelunky in the first place. The roguelike platformer plays with your ability […]

Banjo Guy Ollie – Ghost 'n' Goblins

Now this is nostalgic! I spent weeks playing Ghost n’ Goblins on the Amiga and when my parents showed up with Super Ghouls n’ Goblins two years later I knew I’d be a platformer lover for life! First released in Japan in 1985 by Capcom the Arcade game was considered to be one of the […]

Review: Deadcore

“What if someone made a First Person Shooter, combined it with a Platformer, filled each level with Puzzle elements and finally gave the player a special gun that changes the behavior of the environment?” This is the beast that 5-Bit Games have decided to tackle with DeadCore. I know that most of you are probably thinking […]

Awsomenauts Assemble comes to Xbox One

With the recent release of the PS4 version of Awsomenauts, Ronimo games are planning on bring their side scrolling MOBA to Xbox One. The original console release of the title for PS3 and Xbox 360 were not completely up to date with the PC version due to financial problems, so these current Gen releases will include all the characters from the PC version and the kickstarted “StarStorm” expansion characters, […]

At a Glance: Child of Light

AAA titles are fantastic and bring us games like Bioshock Infinite and The Last of Us but things behind the development don’t always running as well as they should – from PR disasters to financial flops, it can all go out the window pretty fast. It would seem that developers work on a scale of […]