Home Tag "Ocarina of Time"

Top 5 Legend of Zelda Moments

I’ve been on a major Legend of Zelda trip since just before Christmas. It started with a replay of Wind Waker HD and has run through a few games since then. Most recently was Link Between Worlds, and next on the list is Twilight Princess HD. That’ll probably be the last one before the glorious […]

Six Sizzling Scorched Stages

Ah, the promise of Summer! Warm, sunny days in May that will inevitably be taken away from us as soon as we stock up on the sunscreen. If it’s still not hot enough for you though and you want to get the feeling of almost being burnt to a crisp, here are six super hot video game […]

Video: The Ocarina of Fast

I… yeah! This is what it looks like… and what it looks like is a Sonic the Hedgehog mod for Zelda: The Ocarina of Time! Always wanted to know what Sonic would have done had he been in Links shoes? Well imagine no longer! Super speeding around Hyrule, pranking citizens and just being a spiky […]