Home Tag "Ninja Theory"

Heavenly Sword – Movie trailer released

Yes you heard me right folks the 2007 PS3 exclusive spectacle fighter heroine is getting her own movie! Blockade Entertainment, the company making the Ratchet and Clank Film (yes that’s still happening) is now taking Nariko under their wing… so that’s two Sony brand movies for these guys which all hype aside is a pretty big undertaking. […]

Review: DmC; Devil May Cry

Dante is back! Sort of! It's Dante alright but not as we know him! Developers Ninja Theory and long time series publisher Capcom take one of their best loved franchises and give it a brand spanking new look completed by a series reboot! Brace yourselves folk, we're taking on the devil himself and hope to make him cry! Tears of joy or pain?