Home Tag "hollywood"

The Fade Out – Review

Now, more than ever, we’re aware of the background happenings of the opulent lives that the rich and famous are living. If they aren’t posting it on Instasnap or whatever, there’s some pervy paparazzo selling the information to the highest bidder. In The Fade Out, Ed Brubaker, Sean Philips and Elizabeth Breitweiser mix a little of James Ellroy‘s L.A. Confidential and Kenneth […]

Bob Kane Gets Star On Hollywood Walk of Fame

Bob Kane, the co-creator of Batman will receive a star on the legendary Hollywood walk of fame. Kane, who created the famous detective with Bill Finger, has appeared in film adaptations since 1943. Ana Martinez, the producer and co-ordinator said, “Kane’s creation of American cultural icon Batman is every child’s dream Super Hero. We are excited to […]