Home Tag "Harry Potter"

Top 5 Pets We Wish We Had At Hogwarts

So September 1st came and went and again we didn’t go to Hogwarts. But this never stops Potterheads like myself from thinking about what types of things we would do and what cool stationary and supplies we would bring. A big question for all wizards when starting school is “owl, cat or toad?” and this […]

Versus – Wands At The Ready

Help us out and settle a workplace debate! When it comes to wizards, sorcerors and magicians there are two names that cause a bit of controversy here in Arcade HQ. Doctor Strange and Professor Dumbledore! Doctor Strange IS the sorceror supreme! He is the Earth’s primary defense against magical horrors and monsters and has saved […]

Geeky Goodies To Brighten Up January

Having a serious case of the January blues is very common. But with any luck, instead of the bath sets and socks that are unwanted (unless you’re Dobby), your nearest and dearest had the sense to give you something you wanted. Whether that’s something from this list, or the money or vouchers to buy what […]

Back To School – Gallery

It’s that time of year again! Most still in the education system have probably started back at their respective schools colleges and universities by now. Depending on your view, that can be great or a drag. But don’t forget, some of our favourite fictional characters had to hit the grind from time to time! Here […]

Magic Makeover – Style Saturday

Monday was the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone and fans everywhere were celebrating. Be it with their special edition copies of the book or by making their Facebook pages a little more colourful! I figured I’d get in on the action and share some Hogwarts Houses makeup inspired looks. There are […]