Home Tag "gender"

Tilda Swinton Confirmed For Doctor Strange

In an interview with Mike Sampson of ScreenCrush, Tilda Swinton has, “confirmed she is officially signed on to Doctor Strange” to play The Ancient One, tutor to the titular hero. Swinton has stated, “I’m really interested as both an actor and a fan.” Casting decisions in comic book adaptations are often subject to controversy. Some backlash […]

Female Gamers Surpass Teenage Boys in Numbers

Girls have always been a bit excluded from the gaming industry. Companies seem to think that girls still don’t play games for some reason so we’re never taken seriously as customers. Well, it’s time for game companies need to think twice about not including us as we’ve recently taken over a large percentage of the […]

Sexism in Games: Culture and Industry

We're always very eager to know what our readers thought about our featured articles and opinions and more recently we attempted to open discussion on the subject of gender and identity within the geek community. Stephen Beirne, sent us in the following article that details with the manifestation of sexism and gender bias in gaming.