Home Tag "Fantastic Four"

Stan Lee’s 3 Most Iconic Creations

With the sad passing of comicbook legend Stan Lee on Monday, I’d be remiss not to revisit some of his work in today’s Backlog. I was going to cover Rick Remender’s run on Fantastic Four and the end of Dan Slott’s run on The Amazing Spider-Man so it won’t be a massive jump from the original plan. It’s kinda strange to think that […]

Fantastic Four Producer Wants A Sequel

Almost everyone will agree that Josh Trank‘s Fantastic Four was an utter disaster for everyone concerned. And that’s being kind. Amazingly though, Simon Kinberg, producer and co-writer of the decade’s most catastrophic failure still wants to make a sequel. Speaking to Den of Geek about it, Kinberg who has enjoyed much success with the X-Men franchise simply […]

Fantastic Four Rumours Debunked

The thing about the internet is that rumours spread like wildfire. One speculative post grows a whole life of its own as it traverses the interwebs, collecting embellishments, exaggerations and further speculations along the way. Rumours recently spread that the rights of Fantastic Four had returned to Marvel in exchange for the two new X-Men TV […]