Home Tag "Event"

Galway Gets Ready For First GamerFest

Need a little more gaming in your life? Need to meet like minded individuals, splash out on so merch and kick ass at some tournaments? Well then we’ve good news for you! Gamerfest, a brand new gaming event is coming to Galway this November. On choosing to take the event to the West of Ireland […]

Tekken 7 Championships Coming To Ireland

AsOne Productions are teaming up with Bandai Namco to bring the Tekken 7 Championship to our fair shores. In an announcement yesterday evening Bandai Namco tweeted the full timeline of the upcoming tournaments. Announcing the TEKKEN 7 UK CHAMPIONSHIP with @ESLUK! Take part in events in Apr-May 2017 across the country! > https://t.co/qtFQ5QS7MB pic.twitter.com/lA2xrSxq1Y — […]

LeakyCon 2017 Comes To Dublin

LeakyCon is an ‘unofficial’ fan event hosted by UK/USA based events company Mischief Management. I put ‘unofficial’ in inverted commas because it may not be endorsed by Warner Bros or JK Rowling‘s people, but it has been THE place to be for all Harry Potter fans for many years. Now in it’s 8th year, LeakyCon promises […]