Home Tag "Destiny 2"

PS Plus Games For October

PS Plus games for October have been revealed! Check out the lineup below, which includes a trip to Camp Crystal Lake and a Tron style competitive multiplayer game. The full list of games that will be available to download on PlayStation Store: Friday the 13th: The Game (PS4) Laser League (PS4) Knowledge is Power (PS Plus bonus – […]

Destiny 2 Comes To PS Plus

Sony have announced their lineup for their PS Plus. Lately there have been some big and small titles that have come to the service. Now there is a fairly substantial addition, as Destiny 2 comes to PS Plus. Yes you have read that right. The FPS powerhouse title from Bungie and Activision even comes out […]

Gamescom Megapost – Blizzard

Yay! Finally! My fangirl time to shine! Anyone who knows me knows that since last year I’ve been pretty much completely indoctrinated by Blizzard. Seriously, Overwatch was a gateway drug to the most dangerous addicting substance known to man: World of Warcraft. Blizzard always tends to bring a good show to Gamescom and I was so excited […]

E3 2017 – Sony Press Conference

The Sony Press Conference was similar to last year’s, in which the show was mostly game after game video and was had some small dialogue interactions by Sony Executive, Shawn Layden. Although a brief show, at just over 60 minutes, the show was packed with gameplay videos and game announcements. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy The […]