Home Tag "Commercial"

Xbox Greatest Games TV Commercial

Well it is the pre-season to spread good will I mean plug your products before the Christmas rush and Microsoft take the charge or dare I say ‘jump’ with this commercial. “Xbox One has the most award-winning exclusives and all of the biggest blockbusters this year. And with an expanding library of Xbox 360 titles available […]

Shatner and Nimoy Reunite For Volkswagen

William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy appear in a new Volkswagen advert in which a young child, obsessed with Star Trek, finds his hero, Kirk (a.k.a Shatner), has just moved across the street. Shatner drives one of the new models of Volkswagen and allows the curious young lad to climb aboard. The commercial is part of […]

News: X and Y TV Commercial

Well if I wasn’t excited before then this commercial seals the deal! Pokémon X and Pokémon Y are due out for release on the 12th October for Nintendo 3DS! Declan DoodyEditor-in-Chief, part-time super villain and hoarder of cats. If you can’t find me writing, I’m probably in the kitchen! www.the-arcade.ie