Home Tag "books"

Geek Log | Too Many Books

Geek Log, Earthdate 280918: Hey, so how’s your week been going so far? Hopefully it’s been good. I got myself a ticket for Metallica in Slane through fan presale and I finally got my final results for my games development course so things are going great. Still, you’re not really here to see what I’m […]

Versus – Wands At The Ready

Help us out and settle a workplace debate! When it comes to wizards, sorcerors and magicians there are two names that cause a bit of controversy here in Arcade HQ. Doctor Strange and Professor Dumbledore! Doctor Strange IS the sorceror supreme! He is the Earth’s primary defense against magical horrors and monsters and has saved […]

Pull List: Week 1 May 2018

Last time I wrote a Pull List, I went overboard. It happened on the month of my birthday so I had an excuse. So now I’m back again and while the list is smaller, there’s a lot of stuff this time because it was recently World Book Day and St. George killed a dragon so […]

Pull List – February 2018 Week 3

Welcome to a new Pull List! This week’s going to be a bit bigger than usual, for a good reason. Apart from the stuff that we pick at comic book stores we’ll also be writing about what we pick in bookstores, digital, and whatnot. And since it was my birthday recently this will be packed […]

Geeky Goodies To Brighten Up January

Having a serious case of the January blues is very common. But with any luck, instead of the bath sets and socks that are unwanted (unless you’re Dobby), your nearest and dearest had the sense to give you something you wanted. Whether that’s something from this list, or the money or vouchers to buy what […]

Whatchu Doin’… Aoife

My life is going slightly smoother than it was the last time I wrote this column, even if I’m still trying to figure out this thing called ‘life’. I finally have a bit more focus in terms of career path (kinda) and have a semi-plan in my head on where my path should go from […]

Whatchu’ Doin… Julie?

I’m fast approaching the end of my first month of college, which has been hectic to say the least. So, what have I been doing? Aside from going crazy that is? Well, that’s a very good question! Let me take you through what I have been watching, reading and playing to get me through this […]