Home Tag "Battlefront"

Rogue One DLC for Star Wars Battlefront

Following an announcement that Chewbacca would become a playable hero in the next expansion, EA have revealed that the fourth and final DLC pack for Star Wars Battlefront will be Rogue One:Scarif.  No official release date has been given, but we can expect it to be sometime around the movie’s launch on December 16. Details on content […]

Star Wars: Battlefront Updates And DLC Details

Star Wars Battlefront will be getting some great free updates and  DLC in the coming months, that’s according  to a lengthy post written by Sigurlina Ingvarsdottir, the game’s senior producer. The first free update will add support for the Blast, Droid Run, Drop Zone, Hero Hunt, and Heroes vs Villains multiplayer modes to the Tatooine Survival map. This DLC […]

EA Conference At E3 2014 – What You Need To Know

EA did NOT hold back with their conference with Star Wars Battlefront kicking off the event. Unfortunately, starting with a heavily anticipated game to a beloved franchise requires a huge amount of momentum to hold our interest and following up with PGA Tour 15 loses that momentum, regardless of flaming Battleships… Star Wars Battlefront Unfortunately, […]

Ciaran’s E3 2014 Predictions

Its that magical time of the year again folks, the time when all the big game developers crowd into the LA convention center to show off all the exciting new titles they have for us. With last years desperate war of who has the best shiny black box, this year we can finally focus on […]

Ciaran's E3 2014 Predictions

Its that magical time of the year again folks, the time when all the big game developers crowd into the LA convention center to show off all the exciting new titles they have for us. With last years desperate war of who has the best shiny black box, this year we can finally focus on […]