Home Tag "Battlefield: Hardline"

Weekly Recap 27/06/2014

Missed out all the big news from the week? Fret not! I have you covered with the weekly recap of all the big and not so big news! The Last of Us Live On Stage DOTA 2 Winners and Record Prize Pool A New Dawn – LoL Cinematic Humble Square Enix Bundle Now Live Halo […]

Ciaran’s E3 2014 Predictions

Its that magical time of the year again folks, the time when all the big game developers crowd into the LA convention center to show off all the exciting new titles they have for us. With last years desperate war of who has the best shiny black box, this year we can finally focus on […]

Ciaran's E3 2014 Predictions

Its that magical time of the year again folks, the time when all the big game developers crowd into the LA convention center to show off all the exciting new titles they have for us. With last years desperate war of who has the best shiny black box, this year we can finally focus on […]

Weekly Recap 31/05/2014

Missed out all the big news from the week? Fret not! I have you covered with his weekly recap of all the big and not so big news! Yes that’s right folks, after an extended hiatus, The Weekly Recap is back.  Just in time too, as E3 is just around the corner, but that doesn’t […]