Home Tag "bae"

Fictional Feelings: Laura’s Loves

Since we’re all about the love this week on The Arcade, we’re swamped by our feelings and we’re all fantasizing about our favourite fictional crushes, haunted by the love that can never be because they’re imaginary. I’m guilty of more than a few fictional crushes in my lifetime, spanning from the world of games to […]

Gif Essay: Netflix And Chill

So this is apparently a thing that young people are doing and I’m hardly old (I’m older though) but when bae text asking to Netflix and chill recently I didn’t quite realise what was expected of me! Much to my own amusement and their annoyance! Allow me to elaborate in the best way I can… […]

Gif Essay: Fictional Love

There is no love quite like fictional love and if you don’t know what I’m talking about right now, it’s best to move on so this doesn’t get awkward. My first crush, the actual first time I ever got butterflies in my tummy was when I saw Lion-O from the Thundercats... listen I don’t know what […]

Naomi's Top 5 Video-Game Baes

You remind me of the bae! What babe? No, the BAE! For those who aren’t up to date with our lingo, bae is a word used by people to address their significant other because they have found themselves too lazy to pronounce the entire word “babe”. I’m starting off the series with my top five hotties, […]

Naomi’s Top 5 Video-Game Baes

You remind me of the bae! What babe? No, the BAE! For those who aren’t up to date with our lingo, bae is a word used by people to address their significant other because they have found themselves too lazy to pronounce the entire word “babe”. I’m starting off the series with my top five hotties, […]