Home Tag "addams family"

EwTube – Reboot Movie Music

Like it or loath it, reboots, remakes and much later sequels are everywhere. You need only go to your favourite provider of movie news (us, of course!) and consistently listed among the upcoming films is a reboot of a classic or a money-spinning 10 years later sequel. Den of Geek have gone as far as […]

The Art of Medusa Dollmaker

Lately I’ve been enamoured with the works of Asunción Macián Ruiz, most commonly known as Medusa Dollmaker. She is a self-taught digital and traditional illustrator from Valencia, Spain. Her work tends towards the dark and macabre, with some splashes of nerdyness along the way. Lots of filigree and art nouveau elements make her work extremely intricate while still remaining […]