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Yu-Gi-Oh Summoned To Jump Force

It’s time to duel! Yu-Gi-Oh!!! No seriously! Yu-Gi Moto joins the fighting roster of upcoming anime brawler, JUMP FORCE. The news, confirmed by Bandai Namco in a press release, sees the card duelist and Egyptian pharaoh summoned to the fighting game. He joins Naruto, Goku, Luffy and a whole ream of Weekly Shonen Jump characters as […]

Rampage – Kavinsky

It’s no secret that I really like synthwave (or retrowave, or outrun, whatever you might call it), as many people I became slightly aware of it through Drive‘s soundtrack. It was what made me discover Kavinsky. So, when Kavinsky finally released his debut (and so far only) album, OutRun, I listened to it avidly. And […]

Tō no Manimani – Nao Tōyama

Today’s track of the day by Nao Toyama is ‘Tō no Manimani‘. It combines traditional Japanese instruments with a rock pop sound. It’s one of my favourite sounds in the world I am in love with it. I first came across the song while watching Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi or Afterlife Inn Cooking. The english translation of […]

The Day – Porno Graffitti

If you follow The Arcade on Instagram then you might have seen a recent haul. Someone on the team has become somewhat enamoured with Boku no Hero Academia. To the point that he had to rush out and buy the 14 volumes of the manga series. That same person is utterly obsessed with the Japanese rock […]