Aardman Animation and Netflix have announced a sequel to Chicken Run, which originally released 2000. Starring Julia Sawalha, Mel Gibson, Tony Haygarth & Miranda Richardson, the plot followed a plan by the chickens to escape the farm they were on. In The Great Escape style story, the stop motion classic caper saw lots of comedy, drama and high jinx, which earned over $224 million upon it’s release.
It has garnered a cult following over the years, as calls for a sequel continued to grow. It was finally announced that a sequel will go into production in 2021 and be produced by Aardman and Netflix.
Twenty years since the release of Aardman’s first full length feature, Chicken Run, we're excited to confirm the return of Ginger, Rocky and the rest of the coop, in partnership with @netflix.
— Aardman Animations (@aardman) June 23, 2020
Read more here: https://t.co/XN4VQp4VD4 pic.twitter.com/wBCpP20EVV
POULTRY NEWS: Exactly 20 years to the day since the original was released, we can confirm there will be a Chicken Run sequel coming to Netflix!! Produced by @aardman, production is expected to begin next year. Eggsellent.
— Netflix UK & Ireland (@NetflixUK) June 23, 2020
Now with a collaboration with the streaming giant Netflix confirmed, Aardman released a plot synopsis for the sequel.
Having pulled off a death-defying escape from Tweedy’s farm, Ginger has finally found her dream – a peaceful island sanctuary for the whole flock, far from the dangers of the human world. When she and Rocky hatch a little girl called Molly,Ginger’s happy ending seems complete. But back on the mainland the whole of chicken-kind faces a new and terrible threat. For Ginger and her team, even if it means putting their own hard-won freedom at risk – this time, they’re breaking in!
The Chicken Run sequel will be directed by Sam Fell (Flushed Away, ParaNorman) and produced by Steve Pegram (Arthur Christmas) and Leyla Hobart. Peter Lord, Carla Shelley and Karey Kirkpatrick will be returning as executive producers, while the script will be written by Karey Kirkpatrick, John O’ Farrell and Rachel Tunnard & Nick Park (creator of Wallace and Gromit and Shaun the Sheep) will have a consulting role on the film.
Original distributors Studiocanal and Pathé closed a deal with Aardman to allow the transfer of the sequel rights to Netflix.