Your eyes do not deceive you Otaku Digest is back. It is here to bring you up to speed on all things Otaku.
Something very exciting is happening in this writer’s future, finally living my dream of visiting Japan. Also the fact I am getting married but here we care about the honeymoon.
It has been my dream to visit Japan since before I can remember but it was never a real option at the time. Now I get to plan out this trip and share the highlights I cannot wait to see here with you. We are planning to kick off our journey in Osaka, the second largest city in Japan. It is known as the “nations kitchen” because of its steet food but that is for another day. Known also for its modern architecture and nightlife.
Today however we look at a piece of its history – Osaka Castle.
For those who enjoy visiting a countries landmarks this is one not to miss. I cannot wait to see Osaka Castle. It is not surprising that it’s one of the most popular tourist spots in Japan. The building is over 450 years old and five storeys high. Although construction of the castle began in 1583 it has been destroyed and rebuilt many times. The interior of the castle is now a more modern design.
Even if you are not interested in the castle itself you can take the opportunity to walk around the castles park. We hope to travel in April and fingers crossed we can catch some of the cherry blossom blooming.
The castle park would be a perfect place to just wander and take in the majesty of not only the castle but the leaves and colours of the cherry blossoms.
I can understand that some people make not be as excited for a castle as I am. I do have an interest in the history of it all but also I want to experience as much as possible in our time in Japan. If you want more information of Japan check out Osaka Info.
Check out Experience Japan with Yuka and her video dedicated to the castle and it’s grounds.
Next Otaku Digest we will look at something more delicious! Did someone say food?