After three years of silence, Atreyu are back.
If you’ve never heard of Atreyu there is only one description for them that comes to mind, from years ago. “Atreyu is too goth to be emo, too metal to be punk, and too brazenly emotional to be metal”
Three weeks ago they announced their second album since coming back from hiatus, In Our Wake. Currently three songs from the album have been released; Anger Left Behind, The Time Is Now and todays track of the day plus title track of the album In Our Wake. The band’s work has featured in movies and games in the past. Burnout 3 and Underworld Evolution both feature work from the band.
In Our Wake will release on October 12 2018, and if this song has you wanting to hear more from Atreyu before then 2007s Lead Sails Paper Anchor is a great place to start.